Amended version of the 2014-2020 ROP General Guidelines

The 2014-2020 General Guidelines were amended by means of Order 755/May 25, 2016 amending Order 1021/November 4, 2015 approving the “Applicant’s Guideline. General conditions to access funds from the 2014-2020 Regional Operational Program”.

Due to the fact that the applicant’s guidelines was updated, the specific guidelines corresponding to each investment priority shall also be amended - in order to be correlated with the “Applicant’s Guidelines. General conditions to access funds from the 2014-2020 Regional Operational Program”, These correlations shall be made following the issuance of the orders to amend the specific guidelines which were launched - orders which shall be communicated within 10 business days since the publication of the Applicant’s Guidelines. General conditions, as provided for by the Order of MRDPA no. 755/25.05.2016